For the past five years my daughter Violeta has participated in a marvelous group in Lynn called Raw Artworks. The organization mentors young artists, encourages children to support each other in creative groups, and provides a space for creative energies of grade school and high school kids. Each year the kids get to show their work at a spring art show. The City of Lynn closes the block in front of their Central Square Storefront so kids can do pastel and chalk art on the street, perform music, and cheer on their fellow artists.
European Starling
A Community Space
Street Art
This past year the art space doubled so more kids can create. Raw Art Works continues to grow and provide a great program for creative young people who are validated and supported for who they are. It's a diverse, multicultural, artistic community and my daughter is proud to be part of it.
Block Party
The Celebration for Raw Art Works young artists gets bigger every year, and for the past three years it has spilled into the street. Police cordon off Central Square so that people can dance and celebrate and make art. Some great chalk drawings are made by Raw Artists, family members and friends,
Very nice and interesting post
That’s a nice story. 🙂 I like all your photos, too. 🙂
Thank you Zaklina!!! ♡
Most communities aren’t concerned about artists, nice to hear yours is
A good and inspirational group to bring together the talents and creativity of children and youth! Such groups need to get the best support.
Thank you Albert. They have a wonderful team and some very good fundraisers who have drawn support from local businesses like Eastern Bank to build and expand on Raw Artworks’ mission.
Wow… That’s really a good mission with great support, Paul! Salute!
Thank you very much tasartcraft 🙂
Yes I agree that this is a great event, and may I say that your daughter is gifted in the field of art.
Thank you very much LaJenna 🙂