the words painting is known as a mixtures of the colours.some colours pick up the combinations of the images.but todays I was a draw the some different images like a flowers.these flower look like a beautiful same as same in the pictures.I love flowers a lot.but some flowers colours have a beautiful.iam a happy to draw the flowers in this pictures
because own creativity is a greatest feelings it’s a GoD gifts also.iam a lucky because I have a art talent. But iam a more happy me still at creativity enhanced there.I will hope virily community likes my always trying to the good works.
Its a natures life is a beautiful that’s the colours and everyone happy to seen the naturally phenomenon. But life still the combinations of the colours and colours show that’s rainbows of the life.painting is a great work.I like a lot painting worked.
That’s beautiful Uzmasoomro! 🙂
Thank you so much…….paulpallazola…..
This is very interesting. So you use water colors, acrylic or a software program?
Thank you so much Ellie……….
Beautiful work, well done!
Thank you so much…..Ellie925…..
Thank you so much hamza 🙂
Thank you so much albert. Me happy because you like my work.
Thank you so much Rachael appreciate to me.
Thank you so much Jasmine 🙂
Thank you for sharing love rainbow
Very beautiful painting. Keep up the good work!
It looks so cute and bright, Uzma.
Thank you so much coral.glad you like it
You are very much welcome, Uzma.
Very pretty colors posted here.
Amazing Rainbow Mix..!