This is my pencil sketch of Mrs Brkan. Originally from Croatia she came in early 1930s at a guess.
She is what you call a do it yourself person, she painted and wall papered her own house, she made all her own clothing. Beautifully made.
She had an extensive garden.
However, she was what you call a “Drama Queen”. I would call it anxiety. I suppose in her own way she did her very best as she could.
I feel very convicted that no one should be alone with anxiety and there is a generation of people, especially young people who need to know that they are not alone.
We are all human and in her life, I was just a passing ship. I learned a lot from her in my time of being a care giver.
Theres much to be said to do it yourself. It is a great thing to know how to cope.
In her later years she went slowly blind. She was good at drawing and a very talented person. I was privelledge to have met her,
So true Trenna, I do believe what you do comes back to you. Kindness brings back something money can’t buy.
Thanks Tasartcraft for your kind comments
Very wise words and amazing work!
Thanks so much Ellie, glad you like it
She needs a smiling and sunny soul. A warm and friendly hand is needed. “To fly over the abyss of loneliness,
to save us from malice, pain and sadness.
Thanks Elenka, exactly what she needs. Wise words.
You portrayed her kindness well, it almost has a norman rockwell feel to it. Love it.
Thanks for the compliment, I love Norman Rockwell illustrations.
It’s funny how when you help someone else there are always rewards.