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Jumping Rope (Artwork)

Title: Jumping Rope

Made with: Gimp

Style: Graphic Design, Reflection

Copyright © Courtney Dutton

Hello everybody,

I am back to share another art piece I made using Gimp.  I used some different tools to make a reflection effect.  If you know the right tools, you can create anything you’d like.  I copied and flipped the image for starters.  Then I added some ripple effects to make it more water like.  There are a few more steps, but I don’t want to give all of my tips away.  If you’d like a tutorial, I can make one however!  Just let me know 🙂

Before creating the water/reflection part, I did the normal steps I go through to create the original image.  I have explained that in my past pieces, so I don’t feel I need to re-hash those steps.

What do you all think of this art piece? Do you think it looks like a realistic reflection?  I would love to hear your feedback on this piece.

Thank you for checking it out!


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