You’ve met the Lee sisters, Daisy and Dixie but now it is time to introduce the third member of #TeamRoadkill
I would like you all to meet Rumiko. What a Japanese schoolgirl is doing in the deep south is unclear, and why she’s running around with a chainsaw is even less clear…
#1 legacy version
This picture is confusing since Dixie is wearing Daisy's outfit. Sure, sisters can share clothes but this is still confusing. The important thing to remember is that Dixie has a cowboy hat and Daisy wears a baseball cap
I like it, but … a little remark..Their faces have no emotion. They look like dolls from the showroom. They need some expression on their face.
Good call. That’s a problem with many of the legacy editions but hopefully not my WIPs
I get the message on your part.
the final member has been introduced
I was amazed at the final character on your artwork.