Wrіtеrs rеgulаrlу gіvе thеmsеlvеs shоrt сhаllеngеs tо оvеrсоmе wrіtеr’s blосk, lіkе trуіng tо wrіtе а соmрlеtе stоrу іn sіх wоrds, оr wrіtіng а соmроsіtіоn wіthоut оnсе usіng thе lеttеr “о.” Еvеn dеsіgnеrs саn tаkе оn sіmіlаr сhаllеngеs tо fіght оff whаt іs саllеd “dеsіgnеr’s blосk.” Сhооsе а dеsіgn gоаl, thеn gіvе уоursеlf а sеrіоus lіmіtаtіоn lіkе оnlу сrеаtіng thе іmаgе usіng twо соlоrs аnd а sіnglе shаре оr оnlу usіng strаіght lіnеs.
Рsусhоlоgісаllу, whеn уоu рut rеstrісtіоns оn уоur wоrk іt аllоws уоu tо bоth fосus hаrdеr оn thе рrојесt аnd thіnk оutsіdе thе bох. Rеsоlutіоns оftеn gеt stаlе bесаusе уоu’rе wоrkіng аt thе sаmе thіng оvеr аnd оvеr аgаіn, аnd іt саn bе еsресіаllу frustrаtіng whеn уоur еffоrts dоn’t lеаd tо аnу іnсrеdіblе brеаkthrоughs оr sіgnіfісаnt рrоgrеss. Сhаllеngе уоursеlf tо dо sоmеthіng nеw аnd dіffісult, аnd уоu wіll gаіn а dіffеrеnt реrsресtіvе оn thе рrојесt аnd rеstоrе thе ехсіtеmеnt оf сrеаtіng.
This sounds like great advice for breaking through writer’s block. I am going to try this.
I do understand your thinking, and it is true to some extent. sometime for me if I just allow a thought to come naturally it comes out even better. Sometimes though it also comes out better by setting restrictions.
The really great thing here, LaJenna is self discovery. An example of this could be, that one only realizes what actions we will follow, once we are in such a situation. I once visited my late mom at her apartment in the South African Resort city of Durban. As I was about to cross the street to get to her apartment, a Mercedes benz. suddenly stopped across the road from me. A delivery motorbike was double parked in front of the Merc., at the entrance to a high-rise building. As the delivery guy gets back to his bike, two huge guys walk up to him. They immediately start beating him to a pulp, finally, slamming him through a plate glass window, where he lay, motionless, his legs protruding. At this point, a huge crowd had gathered. Then, in stead of driving off, they picked his motionless body up and started beating him. I saw the crowd do nothing, so I shouted for them to stop. Just then, they left him and started to walk towards me. The younger one of the two said that they may as well “kill” me too. I would probably have been able to protect myself against one of them but not both at once. I shouted for them to stop walking towards me, and that I am armed and won’t
hesitate to defend myself. Still they came, and I pulled out my licenced, 9 mm. Beretta and pointed it at them. The crowd in the mean time kept taunting me to shoot them and that it would be an act of self defense because 40 people would testify that it was self defense. At about two paces from me, the older guy said:”let’s go”. and there was a brief moment’s hesitation, where the young guy could see his impending death in my stare, I knew that I would shoot him… Just then, they decided to walked back towards their car. Suddenly a police patrol car stopped there and arrested them both. The rest of the story is irrelevant to why I wrote about it, because, I had learned a valuable lesson that day, one I could only have learned under such conditions, I knew, from that moment, that I would act rationally in such a situation.
You were brave! I know it molded you to the person you have become today. Thank you for sharing this story. Did the man live that had been beaten?
Yes, he did survive but here is the kicker, when I asked him if I should take down the dozens of witnesses addresses, barely able to speak, blood protruding from multiple cuts and 4 broken ribs and eyes swollen shut, he replied:”No thank you, sir, I won’t be laying charges, I work for myself and if I don’t earn, my family starves, I simply cannot afford to take off from work to attend several possible court postponements and remands.” I tried to reason with him, saying that people like them have to be made accountable because they will simply go from one unprovoked attack to the next… I also said that I had almost become involved and could have been hurt myself. He apologised but remained adamant.
ADDENDUM: In our Legal system, if a person lives through a violent attack like the one I mentioned above, and they do not lay charges, that was it, no case!
OMG that is such a shocking story! Not just shocking that the poor man was beaten so mercilessly like that, but that a crowd gathered and no one tried to intervene to save the man! Frankly, I have heard how violent and lawless South Africa is, so this story just confirms it.
And Maggie, that was 40 years ago! I was an off duty cop in civilian clothes at the time, was why I was armed, (In South-Africa, a cop was never considered to be “off duty” back then) Can you believe me if I tell you, that unprovoked violent attacks have increased 10 fold since then, It’s all on YouTube. So much for Mandela’s hopes of a Rainbow Nation. Thank you for making my article worthwhile by commenting. Regards, Andre’
our ultimate task to do is to discover ourself
Unkabird, It absolutely is all about self discovery. According to the experts, such days of self discovery are usually preceded by thoughts which contain words like, “wouldn’t it be magical if?” or Imagine if. These words, experts say are far more powerful, than most of us give them credit for. They are the very words that legends like Hans Andersen and his Fables and Walt Disney’s endearing interpretations of them, have based their entire lives on. Powerful beyond belief.