
The Disaster of Strike

The Result

In the 1970s factory workers in a small town went on strike. They worked for a huge factory which created parachutes. They wanted more money, less hours, more benefits.

After a few weeks, those in charge of the factory made the decision to close it. They would move the operation to China. They would gain five years free usage of the factory, have workers they could pay half the price.

The workers didn’t realize this possibility. They thought that the factory would agree and they’d go back to work. They never imagined the factory would close.

The town had depended on the factory, in fact it grew because of the factory.. All the businesses in that town had been created to serve the employees and their families, whether a diner, a shoe maker, or a school.

When the factory closed, so did the town.

Those who had gone on strike lost everything. And virtually killed the town.

They never imagined this would happen.

The Current Strike

The writers/actors strike began in May. Maybe they thought it would end by June. But it continues into September, with no end in sight..

There is no new season of American shows. Unlike past years, where September would be the start of the year, not now. And even if the strike ended today, it might be two months or more before the first episode of a new season or new show airs.

If people had looked forward to viewing a program, whether new episode or new production, they would be disappointed. For there is nothing new.

Perhaps if this was 1980 the entire country would be flung into depression, denied their television programs. But this is not 1980. This is the era of the Internet. This is a time when viewers don’t have to wait for a particular time and day to see a show, they can choose what and when they watch.

Hence the audience has not really suffered because of this strike, save not knowing the resolution of the ‘cliff hanger’ which ended the last season. That there may be no new shows or episodes on television doesn’t effect those on the Internet..

There is a wealth of non-American shows available. Whether from England, Australia, Africa, India… there are so many programs available, the task is selection.

Besides foreign shows, there are the past seasons of popular shows, shows one may have watched twenty years ago. Add to that, the opportunity to watch Vintage Shows which may have aired before they were born.

Suddenly, with no new shows, the viewer has the gift of time to watch every episode of a program. Shows they watched when they were fourteen, they can now watch at forty four, gaining new insight.

Most significantly, there are famous Vintage Shows such as the Twilight Zone, which one can savor. One can watch every single episode of a show online, whether binging, repeating, skipping, it is all in their hand.

Then there is the chance to catch up. You missed the first seasons of ER, now you can watch them.

Hundreds of shows which were popular decades ago are available to the viewer, in many cases, free online. Just go to the site, and click.

Not Unexpected Results

The Strike is more than likely to harm those who are striking even more than those who are struck.

Some studios may not be able to continue. They will have to close. Many shows will have to end because they are now unaffordable. All the possibilities of new programs will be delayed or forgotten.

Survival is tricky. Some studios are rerunning Vintage Shows, creating Game Shows, so as to stay alive. This is actually of some benefit for the expense is far less.

The likelihood of the strikers getting what they want has become less and less likely. It seems evident that many actors/writers will soon be unemployed, with little future.

After all, if this station can go to its archives and fill the hours with shows long paid for, or get a batch of shows made overseas, the savings to that station are enormous.

One wonders if the event that happened to that town in the 1970s isn’t repeating itself in Hollywood.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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