In a distant galaxy, a planet which much like our own exists. The air, the weather, the seasons, and gravity.
The gravity! Defied by Islands that floats in the sky! The sight is both awesome and puzzling to witness. How do they float? How did they defy the gravity. Another mystery is, where do the water that falls from the islands come from?
Do the islands ever go down? Will they ever fall down?
What other mysteries awaits this distant planet.
Islands in the Sky
Islands in the sky is done using water colored pencils on paper. This was actually inspired by the movie “Avatar”.
My other hand drawn works:
My Oil Pastel On Paper Collection
Lab-as (Fresh or short for Fresh Fish)
Thanks, Anaya
This reminds me of surrealistic paintings. Very intersting and fun to look at.
Thanks, Rachel.
Thank you
Your profile tell us you’re a nature lover and so does the image above; well done.
That’s pretty!
That’s cool, John!
Thanks, Albert.
You’re most welcome. By the way, how if we go there?
Hmm… Maybe we could hitch a ride with the USS Enterprise next time they plan to go there. Hehehe
Ahh… I’ll ask to Mr. Spock for he is my relative
On his mother’s side I would presume. Unless you are half Vulcan as well.
Fantastic !
Thanks, Gina