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What Is With These Faded Vintage Paintings?

The faded colors of vintage paintings bring back memories for me of musty old attics or basements.

Today I’m attempting to re-create that decades old feeling that we get from looking at old faded photographs and paintings. In fact some of those were not faded with time but faded by the artists. What is with that? I thought my idea was original in trying to re-create that old feeling. Why would an artist paint with colors that remind you of eras gone by?

Well I guess that’s just what artist do. They some times try to create feelings and emotions in the viewer which are hard to create with words alone.


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Joel_Bowers


  1. These look vaguely cubist, but there is no need to make them vintage. Since you have done so, they all share a common palette and theme which does help with cohesion…
