After looking at the trending post featured, І hаvе tаkеn uр уоur “drаwіng” сhаllеngе. Whіlе thеrе аrе nо sеt rulеs thаt hаvе tо bе fоllоwеd, аnd wе саn “drаw” аnуthіng, І сhоsе thіs skеtсh оf а Vіrіlу соmmunіtу mеmbеr. І thіnk thіs сhаllеngе іs а lоt оf fun, аnd hаvе “drаwn” sоmеоnе thаt hаs bееn wіth Vіrіlу fоr оvеr а уеаr. He has written a few books and several posts here on virily and elsewhere on the Internet. He prefers to tackle controversial subjects to write about. In a quest to reach a minimum of 100 words in any article, posted on Virily, so, in 121 words I have done so and have mentioned it here, Lol.
It’s a self portrait. You draw yourself. Nice drawing.
It is indeed a “self portrait” Thank you for reading and commenting.
You’re welcome. I like it.
Bravo, very cool. Fun post.
Thanks Teila. Thanks also for your comment.
Hello Tasartcraft, thanks [:-]
Wow! It’s an amazing drawing! 🙂
Thank you Zaklina, I appreciate your comment.
This is an excellent sketch and looks a lot like you without your glasses.
Hi Carol. You guessed it! it’s me woowoo!
Great job Andre, I never could draw.
Nonsense my friend, sure you can we all see you in your sketch.
Thanks for the vote of confidence but.. That is a photo. 🙂
Thanks Tasarcraft, so, who is this guy? Naturally, you figured it out, ha,ha,! .
Love this Andre! Such wonderful talent there. Good words as well..
Hello Kim_ Thank you, only you could say such kind things. Bless you!