you know me, I just can’t leave well enough alone, so it was inevitable that I would take another swing at the kokoshnik. the previous version was a bit too symmetrical, so I thought I’d go with something a little more realistic
can't leave well enough alone – WIP
Alex Ledante
11 Votes
bonusfurhatkokoshnikomakeRussiantest renderWIP
Most ethnographers argue that kokoshniks were for both married and unmarried women. Also kokoshniks were usually worn on holidays.
thanks for clearing that up, I don’t want to provide misinformation. but these headdresses are clearly festive, too ornate for everyday use…
Interesting, i like the glamor hat. The last one (#3) seems to be the best overall for me. Plus this one is a minus 100 lumens 🙂
no they are not in fact scary. cold, yes, probably not properly dressed for soviet winter, but scary no.