
Adult Coloring Book Preview: Decorative Candles

This is the newest Adult Coloring book that my sister and I designed which is now available online. This book is devoted to candles, and the reason behind it is we have a dear friend who loves candles. So, she was the inspiration for the coloring book in general.

Another thing we found interesting when doing this book was that there didn’t seem to be any other adult coloring book devoted to candles as the general theme.  So, maybe we will be the pioneers and others will follow our lead, well I can dream, can’t I?  I hope you all enjoy the video preview of the coloring book.


What do you think?

Written by PAF


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  1. As I said before I am very into adult coloring books. How does one write (draw) one of these books. I am interested in doing such a project. Would a person be able to use a program on their computer already there or would I have to get a new program. I have ‘Paint’.

    • Well, for me I have used a combination of things, such as public domain image sites such a pixabay to find a preliminary type black and white image, from there I will work on finding a good background to work with it. I also use free online programs I have found such a free image editor which I have written about in a previous post and another called canva which I should also do a post on. I also use paint to do another editing such as removing some dark areas from an image. So, yes it is a process and I should take the time to share a few my experiences here with all of you for those such as yourself interested in the process.

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