These are cruel and meaningless words: “Stray animals must be slaughtered so as not to interfere with people.” Stray animals have not fallen from the sky. They are in the cities, because people have been irresponsible to their animals and have thrown them out. In fact, killing stray animals will not make people more responsible, and in the next few years the same problem will emerge again. But on the other hand, if you start with this measure, then it is no wonder that society will continue to use this practice with other problems … killing the homeless, orphan, etc.
And I’m not talking about helpless, homeless people, talking about those “big people” who are not interested in going on the street, they do not care that today many people and animals have nothing to eat, there is nowhere to sleep … I hope you who are reading this article are not those of the people I have described and that, like me, you are ready to help the animals with whatever you can. This is how you start – today you will give a hand to a homeless man, tomorrow to a homeless man, and just see, after years there are no suffering beings in the streets. “Oh yes, but not so,” as sung in a song. Man will always be selfish, but he may occasionally think that doing something good will not hurt him, it will only make him a bigger man. “I fully support the rights of animals, as do human rights. This is the way of the whole human being. “Abraham Lincoln
All photos are personally made by me.
© Elenka Smilenova 2017 – All Rights Reserved