We make our own luck.
Photographs often feel lucky when you get them out of the camera because they often are. I believe that the chances of a “lucky image” can be increased. Some of this starts before you aim the camera.
The angle of this shot and how I framed it was fortuitous. The background was in bright sunlight compared to the squirrel in deep shade. I could have taken a shot from some other angle. I could have zoomed in less. The squirrel could have had a little less exposure. I’ve had “happy accidents” with overexposed bokeh before. I took several pictures of this guy with few adjustments. All this happened automatically almost. Without realizing it we rely on our experience.
So where was it that I made my luck? I know this guy. He comes around once in a while to visit a bird feeder. I knew if I tossed a couple of raw almonds on the ground that he would grab one and run to the tree branch to eat it. I set up the camera beforehand and was ready to snap a lot of pictures. That the squirrel looks so pleased had nothing to do with me. That was pure luck. However, I was able to get several versions of different poses that increased my chances because I was ready and waiting.
That’s a great capture, and such an adorable squirrel! We sure make our own luck.
Thank you very much – glad you stopped in
That’s a great shot. Thank you for your advice on how to make beautiful pictures. The squirrel is very lovely.
Yup, these guys are easy some times. This one picture looks like he is smiling – thanks for the almonds I guess
we make our own luck…
Nature imitates art. I missed some comments last week – sorry. Today is maintenance and catch up day — exactly 20 man
I am likewise behind, so I share your pain
Very good advice on how to take great images of squirrels with your camera.
They do like raw nuts pretty much. I see this one every once in awhile.
I guess squirrels like to eat their meals in peace.
Geez… Howard… I’m glad you came back and brought a wonderful lucky image.
It is one of those one in a hundred pictures maybe. Thanks so much Albert it is good to be back.
You’re welcome, Howard and your photos are worth the wait.
Similarly A man architect his own fat
IT never hurts to try to help oneself – and give yourself the best chances.
Lovely click, Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so very much for the kind words. It is one of the lucky ones I’ve had recently.
I am glad you are back – i’ve missed your pictures!
Thanks again. I doing maintenance today. I missed a lot of comments last week or something. I’m catching up. *** It is really hard to starve to death in a desert because of all the sandwiches there. 🙂
I find myself behind 200, 300 or more notifications during the week.