The post published post about the mother cat that carried her kitten to hospital and the comments to the post reminded of a YouTube video I saw early this year.
I searched for it and found it. It is about a stray cat that always approached a local restaurant. It would be given meat but wouldn’t eat at that spot or nearby. Instead, it went to a small hill at the back of the restaurant.
There, on that hill were her three kittens. She would take a piece of meat she was given at the restaurant to her kittens. Whenever she was given non-meat food, she’d refuse.
A search was made to find out where she took the meat, and her location was disclosed. She had some kittens but they died on the road. Had four kittens but one died.
The shelter rescue team came and took them to the vet clinic. One of the kittens had a virus disease (I have just forgotten the virus) while the others were at the latent stage. The mother was safe.
Another heartwarming story of a mother cat.
the love of a mother for a child is incredible!
Yes, it is difficult to break that bond as it begins when the child is still in the WB
I meant womb, not WB.
i understand what you meant and you are right that connection is deep!
That is a touching story, the heart of a mother remains the same irrespective of the species.
You are right. A mother’s love isn’t restricted to humans.
This is an incredible story. So great.
It is indeed an incredible story.
It is a happy and sad story. Fortunately, the story ended happily.
Yes, I’m glad it ended on a happy note.
I like stories with a happy ending
Oh wow. Loved the combination with the link. Awesome and touching. I just needed to wait utnil the holiday was over.
Thank you. Your waiting was well worth it.
This brought tears to my eyes. The purest, selfless and unfading love is that between mother and child. This is also valid for animals. This true love has no price!
You are right. Love has no price. It’s not something one can state a price for.
Thanks for the link, it brought more smiles. 🙂
I am glad to hear that. Thank you.
So, the link wasn’t published together with the post. Here is the link:
Such a moving story, thank you for sharing it!
Thank you. You’re welcome.