Last weekend I was sitting here panicking on and off. Money was running low. I hadn’t worked since we got the Shelter in Place Order on March 19th. All non essential businesses were closed, and dog grooming was one of them. I live with my 97 year old mother taking care of her. Which isn’t much, she is super spry. She has Dimentia, and is a bit forgetful. All I basically do is keep her meds straight and clean and cook for her.
We have no problem paying the basic bills and food, but had no extra for anything else, and my car’s engine broke a week before the Shelter in Place order. I decided to hold off on getting another car until we found out how long this would last. Good thing I did.
So, here is where I got the idea to groom from home. Out of necessity I felt I had to do something. Half of the country is opening back up even with the virus climbing each day. Our governor of California stated he will not open until we have had a steady decline in cases of the virus reported for at least two weeks.
Here are our numbers, and take in mind that we do not have testing for the general public. Only those with symptoms bad enough to seek medical treatment get tested.
3,842 Confirmed Cases, 138 deaths.
On 4-25-20 100 cases
4-26-20 98 cases
4-27-20 173 cases
4-28-20 118 cases
4-29-20 132 cases
4-30-20 147 cases
5-1-20 131 cases
On May 1, the county of San Diego issued a face mask ordinance. You have to wear a mask while outside in public. If you are caught without one it will be a $1000 dollar fine.
So, with all this going on, I knew I had to do something. I put an ad on craigslist stating I am grooming from home. One on one grooming, start to finish. I don’t want people to meet each other at the door or their dogs coming in contact with other dogs. I ordered an antiviral spray and spray everything down after each dog. I thought I would get a few calls because in two months all those tiny fluffy dogs are starting to get matted, causing health problems. I never even thought in my wildest dreams I would be this busy. The first week I have groomed 22 dogs.
Here are two of those dogs. These are senior pets, the white one was 14, and the black one was 12 years old. They were very matted, and felt so good after that they ran around like pups.
Hey, what’s up with mask? Is she going to rob us?
LOL, you know I was worried how the dogs would react upon meeting me, but they don’t seem to mind.
I am told that they know if a person is harmful – I am not sure how – we have a seizure dog and I have no clue how he does it but he lets me know just before my brother has one.
No doubt they are, though with good reason right? Have you ever seen the videos of what it takes from the puppy handlers to adult to the training, it is so amazing. I could never be one of the puppy fosters. I would want to keep them all! 🙂
True, they do have that extra sense that tells them friend or foe. Seizure dogs are super special, and go through a lot of training. They are amazing. I have often thought of training Luna to be my diabetic dog. The problem with that is, is that I have to go through low suger quit a few times to be able to train her, and I just havent done it. I hate having low sugar.
Bro’s dog is crazy expensive, but it is what it is
Aren’t they the cutest clients somebody can have?
They really were, and were so happy after. 🙂