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What a crowded world we have

Whenever I would say I need space, what I mean is to go someplace where there is no crowd. When we moved to this suburban home, it was peace and quiet until houses sprang like mushroom and the roads were filled with vehicles. I don’t know what life would be 10 years from now. Will there still be space for comfort?

  • Do you care about over population?

    • Yes
    • No
    • No cause for alarm right now


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by Alex Socorro


  1. Nature usually takes care of overcrowding by herself, by epidemics or just because the natural resources in a given area run out. We evolved in a way that these laws of nature don’t really bother us, but might be a problem in the future. Actually, it’s a cause for concern already if we think of pollution.

  2. It’s ironical we don’t want to stay in overcrowded places when we are part of the overcrowding. I like staying in underpopulated areas but we have to admit were still part of the overcrowding.

  3. You gotta to visit Australia for a wonderful environment and peace. And if you wish to see most and least populated place, come to India.

  4. We shifted from city life to a semi rural town where there is absolute peace. The noise is on the Highway quite away from us but I like to have that bit of noise too.

  5. We have similar problems everywhere in the world … they also interfere with nature very much … they are deforestation and are destroying fields … now they have passed a stricter law on this