You already know I am not a fan of snakes, so why on earth would I explore facts about snakes. It was the quote pictured here that got me thinking. The fear is probably most irrational. Odds are pretty good that no snake will cause me bodily harm. Perhaps by learning more about them I can be more reasonable in my response.
Most snakes have teeth, four rows on the top and two on the bottom, not all snakes have fangs. Only the poisonous ones do.
Snakes evolved from a four-legged reptilian ancestor—most likely a small, burrowing, land-bound lizard—about 100 million years ago.
Snakes kill 100,000 people every year.
There’s an Island in Brazil where civilians are forbidden to go: it has up to 5 snakes per square meter.
Sea snakes are thought to be the most poisonous of all snakes.
The top 5 most venomous snakes in the world are the inland taipan, the eastern brown snake, the coastal taipan, the tiger snake, and the black tiger snake.
Snakes can have two heads and fight each other for food.
The fear of snakes (ophiophobia or herpetophobia) is one of the most common phobias worldwide. (At least I know I am not alone.)
Snakes growth rate slows as it gets older, but it never stops growing.
The death adder has the fastest strike of any snake in the world.
Do you think knowing this helped me?
That is a good one and it appears to be original, but I am not to the bottom yet.
Ohhhh I afraid of snakes so much
I don’t like them at all and I see them quite often.
I hope you never have to face your fears.
I see them quite often, but I run really fast.
No wonder so many people are afraid of snakes. I didn’t realise they killed so many people each year. And if I see one with 2 heads – urgh! I will run for my life!
I would probably pass out cold if I saw that.
A plumbers snake has no teeth, but empties clogs quickly 🙂
Oh gave the wrong person credit. I don’t love the guys that copy and pastes the comments of others. That is just plain wrong.
It is what it is. Nice post as always!