
Wander project things my grandfather said….

My grandfather used to pull up to an intersection and turn on the hazards. When asked which way he was going he would reply “dashing madly off in all directions.” Many years later I realized he never did that at intersections that had other cars. Funny what you remember when you layer time over the memory. The other thing my grandfather used to always add to the end of sentences at times was “and stuff, like that there.” Today’s picture share, wander project entry are old pictures. They aren’t that old many are less than a year. Many are older than a year. The reason I know that some are less than a year old is that I used them in the 365-day photo challenge. I am on day 352 having missed three days. (355 days ago was my starting point)

Going into winter, I always have a moment where I remember my grandfather. My mother’s father was a huge influence in my life. I came to love being in the business world because of my grandfather. He and I would wander Wisconsin as part of his job. He owned the only grocery store in Cambridge Wisconsin for many years. On an Icy day, he slipped and tore his knee up. He had to sell the store. I remember going to the store with him as a small child, I think somewhere around five or six. But I remember his next job more. I have isolated memories of living in Skokie and Vernon Hills. I remember wearing my father’s military uniform and playing in the living room of an apartment in Skokie. For some reason, I always remember playing, and my mom was ironing.

I also have isolated memories of Vernon Hills. We moved to Indiana when I was very young. I have many memories of Bloomington Indiana. The other place that I remember was the lake house of my mother’s parents. We would go for the major holidays. 7 hours in the car heading from Idnaian to Wisconsin. Once we rode the train to Milwaukee and once we flew. But we went many times. When I was probably a baby, I spent my first times alone with just me and my grandparents. I know that there are many old pictures of me, in Cambridge and I have so many memories of grandparents. I remember watching the old version of the Jeopardy show (before Alex Trebeck who rocks). I never beat my grandmother at Jeopardy until I was 15 or so years old. She would run categories like they were nothing.

All those memories have to be shared.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!