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Identifying the Unidentified

While visiting my neighbor’s garden the other day, the neighbor that passed, I saw these gorgeous flowers all over. They were like red velvet. And tall spiked flowers. I am sure she would have kept them trimmed but now the garden is growing up quickly. I am trying to identify these flowers. Any suggestions would be helpful. I think they are usually cut back in the fall and turn to seed, then you replant them in the spring.


  • Any idea what these flowers are called?

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13 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Seen these beautiful flowers several times. Now finally knew their name, thanks to the comments to your excellent post. Read that it’s not so difficult to grow this beautiful plant, you just need to knowa few rules of planting, growing and care.

  2. Although I did not know the name (but now I do), they are gorgeous flowers. I will have to check if I can grow them up here in the Outaouais Valley as I think they will add to our usual rose bushes and other flowers.
