
Wander project Annapolis MD.

Following the bouncing ball, except there wasn’t one. The path is chosen, water, had no lines or guides. You simply wander outward toward the Bay. A really good friend of mine talks about finding the path that fits you as a person. The path that fits me is different than the one that fits you.  It doesn’t make either path less or more, just that it fits you or me. My path begins with technology. Mostly because for the past 30 years that is where I have spent my time. I am also a family person. I love my family. It is funny sometimes to realize the split. My children all use technology, but none of them are as passionate about it as I am. They enjoy it, use it, but it is a tool for them.

The path chosen is often the one that presents itself. But sometimes the path chosen is less about the people around you and more about you. It did get me thinking about the next stage of my journey. After 27 years, my wife and I are now entering the back end of our careers. (in fairness we have both switched careers during our marriage. I was a school teacher when we were first engaged and then became an IT person. My wife was a video producer and then became a social worker). The rest of the journey, the yet to be portion is the part we have to take together. That part is the same in the sense that over the last 27 years we have taken this journey together.

But in the next few years, our kids are going to move out. Our world is going to again be just the two of us. We have many activities we love to do together, and boating is one of them. We also like to relax and watch various TV shows we both enjoy. Every year we find one or two shows that we both like and we make sure to watch them together. Over the course of the 28 years we’ve been together, we’ve lost many shows that we loved. There was a time when we both had Northern Exposure sweatshirts. That was our favorite show, although, there was no way my wife would ever move to Alaska (far too cold for her taste). We did, however, love that show. The more things change sometimes, the more they stay the same.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am sure you and your wife will have many enjoyable years after the kids are gone. And from what I hear, are they every really gone? I wouldn’t know. Enjoy the moments. Sail away. Love the boat views.
