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Use plastic bottles

When you drink the contents of a plastic bottle, do not just throw it away, make something useful from it. The reuse of these old bottles, which you throw, can serve you to grow your favorite plants either outdoors or in the interior, thus helping to preserve the environment. Here’s a great project for the whole family. Use plastic bottles to make your own greenhouse and enjoy growing your vegetables. Although it will take you a lot of time, this venture is ecologically and almost free.

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15 Points

Written by Branka Drobnjak


  1. I have build a few walls with gabion wall type style. I used glass bottles because plastic wouldn’t last here in our dry climate. A plastic bottle gets brittle in the sun in only a month and turns to dust in a year. Gabion worked well, I just stacked the bottles in different ways. I liked it as well because you could use broken bottles, sea glass, rocks, etc. LOVE the idea. You can also build solar panels doing this as well. Solar water heaters,, you name it.

  2. Yes, excellent idea. I would never have thought of that. Is the lighting through those bottles adequate though? Just a question but I think it is worth asking. Also, when you say it will take a long time, how exactly is long?

    • The lighting works so well, you might need to use shade cloth as well in our hot sun here Gal. Read my comment, I have photos of it as well. I have built all kinds of things with bottles. If you have any questions feel free to IM me.
