
How Online Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – Part 9

Newbies who join writing sites today are entering a world of scam, trick, ripoff, lies and other nefarious deeds.

They join,  unaware of the scams sites run.

One of the most common is the penny pinch.

When there are 10k members and the Admin rips 2c from each account, that 2c multiplies to $200 the Admin can push in his/her pocket.

Experienced writers  often email the Admin;  “I am logging off now with $3.37 in my account,” making it very clear that they know what is going on.

This makes it unpleasant for the Admin who might not read that email until after pinching those pennies.

Some Admins have developed  ‘fancy footwork’ when they are caught. They’ll send a message to all users about some imaginary hacking, claim they are working on the problem and will not be able to publish the earnings until they have clarified.

Money earned during the period  Admin is ‘working’ on the problem goes into the pocket of the Admin, so, while Earnings are off line,  say the User earns 5c.

This allows Admin to return the accounts to the sum shown before their stealing.  And, of course, allowing them to steal even more.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


    • One of the things I learned in life is not to swear for anyone or anything you don’t control. We don’t know, we can only protect ourselves.