
On troubleshooting technical issues…

As a technologist, I spend a lot of time troubleshooting problems. There are a framework and a method for troubleshooting. I am going to lay out what I’ve done for the publication issue I am having on virily, in part to recount what I’ve tried and in part to lay out some guidelines for troubleshooting issues.

  1. If something fails with Edge, try IE. If it fails with both of those, try Chrome.
    1. (for the publication problem I also added Safari and Firefox)
  2. If something fails to try a different computer
    1. I tried Mac, PC and the browsers above on both
  3. If that doesn’t work clear your browser cache (remember you will have to log into every site again)
    1. (did so after steps 1 and 2)
  4. Finally and I mean finally if 1-3 fails, then and only then reset your browser cookies.
    1. (last step)

For the Virily issue, none of the above worked. One of the admins was able to publish pictures but, admins never count. They tend to have higher access. The last two steps are the hardest for many users as they are destructive and you will lose both settings and saved ids. So, don’t do 3 or 4 until you have the information you need to have offline!

Other steps could be considered as well; I will happily add later. But for most internet web problems, 1-4 will solve most problems. The most important rule of troubleshooting, however, is 90 minutes. That is the maximum time to solve a problem if you can’t solve it in 90 minutes ask for help!!!!!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ve problem once in a while…
    and somehow I get the downtime error again today for a few minutes -_-
    server seems to be overloading again.. (at least the error message is saying that)
