
The camera technology wander!

I don’t take good pictures, As a photographer but also as a person. In part that is why I take so many pictures. My other reason is that we, as humans, sometimes miss moments. Like the fact that someone is making a face (photobomb) behind someone and so on. The technology of cameras is one that I’ve spent a lot of time on over the years. From 360 degree cameras to point and shoot and DSLR cameras I’ve looked at many. I do not test cameras I use the ones that have the features I need. (the cover photo comes from a time-lapse camera on a wetaher station a few days ago!)

When I think about a camera, I do start to wonder what I need lately. Why? Well, my cellular camera is now better today than it was  I can, very quickly add an adapter to my cellular phone and take pictures that are infrared. I can add the many 360 degrees iPhone add-ons and well take a 360-degree picture. Neither of those things, by the way, can be easily added to my DSLR. You can get stand-alone cameras that do IR and 360 images with your cell phone.

It brings me back to an old argument of mine, that of what camera do you take with you. I find myself often taking pictures with my cell phone now, that is more because of the 365-day photo challenge and the need to produce a new picture every day. However, the field of view and the limits of handheld cellular cameras make for an interesting argument. I find that I take many more shaky pictures with my cell phone than I do with a point and shoot or DSLR. I also find that I take pictures with the cell phone that I just wouldn’t have tried before only carrying a digital point and shoot or DSLR camera.

I have concluded that the continued improvement of the cell phone camera is making the need for other cameras less every day. But, the ability to create better quality pictures requires significant proactive with your cell phone. Plus, there is something annoying about someone with ½ their face covered as they wander around shooting video with a tablet.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!