I have decided to show you an area that was ravaged by a wildfire, and the regrowth. This post shows how resilient trees are. There is sadness and beauty. I hope you enjoy. If you would like to join in this challenge and post a few tree photos feel free to join in. The challenge lasts until May!
Here are the rules.
#1 I have survived
#2 Bent
#3 Regrowth
#4 Panned out
#5 The bee
#6 So green
#7 Castor Oil Plant
Or sometimes referred to as the Castor Bean Plant is pretty but can be deadly. I sure do love them though, they are so pretty.
#8 New Stuff
#9 The fire
reached some of the trees along the pond. My son has been pulling some great catfish out of here. There is one though, the granddaddy catfish he has been trying to get. His mouth is a good 12 inches wide. There are channel cats, blues, flatheads and a lot of perch in this pond. Cal Fire actually used water from this pond for fire drops which put out the fire pretty quickly, just a few acres were burned.
Really amazing picture.I like it.
Thanks so much Pradhan. : )
This is proof that the laws of nature work effectively. The young ones come to replace the old ones… Hehe…
So very true Albert. Fires are nature too.
What a great topic! I’m glad we aren’t through with trees yet.
Thank you Barbara. We need to quit cutting them down though..