
Wander project the oldest Easter pictures I can share…

Today, the oldest Easter pictures I have. Well, the oldest I can share. Some of the older Easter pictures were part of the family history project (taken with film cameras) so pulling out the specific Easter celebration pictures is hard. Some were lost with the hard drive that crashed and wiped out more than 1500 digital pictures (I only had one copy, and I still regret that. Dumb on my part, and I knew better then, but still cut corners).

These pictures are from our first Spring in Greenwood Indiana. We had moved in October 1999. I started traveling, and the kids settled in. My daughter was awesome; she transitioned from one school to a new school in the middle of the school year without issue. She missed her friends in Cincinnati, but she was awesome on about doing the right thing for our family. My wife was happy; she was closer to family and a support system.

I was traveling.

There are many things I would change about that transition now (we did a much better job in the switch from Indiana to Maryland than the move from Ohio to Indiana). I would say this, moving from Ohio to Indiana was the hardest transition we made in our entire marriage. There were many factors involved in making it a hard transition. I won;’t waste any more time or blog space on that. My daughter transitioned first grade from the Waldorf School in Cincinnati Ohio to West Grove Elementary School in Greenwood IN with aplomb. Or perhaps moxy!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!