
Love ItLove It

Wander project Greenwood Indiana

The pictures are from March 2003 and the twins 5th birthday. Based on what happened In the four months leading up to their birth and the two months after, we didn’t know then that 5th was even possible. The fear of that pre-post birth period was hard. Emotionally we were drained.  In the space of those five years, a lot of things changed. We moved back to Indiana from Ohio. We started the boys in pre-school but then decided to do some pre-schooling homeschooling to get them ready instead.

That was a huge success; my wife had the twins ready for kindergarten and beyond. It is funny sometimes; people hear that you have twins and they say “oh I wish I had twins.” I even hear people tell tales of “having twins to just get it over with. Twins are manageable barely. The old joke I used to tell people was you had one hand to grab each of the twins. The problem was, by the time this birthday had rolled around things were different.

Now, at five they worked together. They would distract and avoid. You see if you have two hands, you can grab two twins. But not if one is distracting you while the other takes off or sneaks off. Then you need a second parent. Or a big sister, and based on the speed of the twins, often all three and grandparents as well. The moments that were captured, the times that were documented are really important memories. There is nothing finer than remembering what was.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!