
Love ItLove It

Wander project Thailand (Wander to warm, non-freezing rain world).

Time is a little death. Each day, each hour, each moment it steals memories from us. Be the memories that we hold dear or the memories of why the laugh lines of a friend or family member were there. The memory of what a laugh faded. My father loved many things in his life. He loved my mother very much. He loved Wisconsin Dells, both that you see as a tourist but also the Dells he grew up in. He loved Indiana University football, basketball and so on. He was proud of the fact that he was a professor at the university for many years. We rooted for IU Sports, he and I, well, most of my life!

But my father loved Thailand. There was a magic about and in the land of smiles that brought my father to life. These pictures are of the boys playing in the pool at Pattaya. I remember the first time I went to Pattaya; we stayed in cabins owned by some Doctors. They were much further down the beach from where the hotel is now. When we first went Pattaya was a popular beach but less so then than now. Then there were vast stretches of the beach that was well, ours to do as we wished. We roamed one end to the other.

At times there was a sandbar that appeared just offshore. We once had a cricket game there, because we could. American’s playing cricket can be quite entertaining. It is not the beautiful sport you see on television in the three days, two day or so matches. It was quite comical as the difference between the sport we were used to, Baseball and cricket are well, vast. But we played, laughed and enjoyed the 4 or 5 hours the sandbar was there at low tide.

Fun to return to where I once got to play. We didn’t find the sandbar again though.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great photos Doc. Thanks for sharing.
    I will return to upvote and comment on the individual comments when the system does not kick me out with the error message.