

365 Day Photo Challenge Day 36

Today’s picture is of the snow that fell last night, as seen this morning. I get up early most days (before dawn all days). We had a total of three flurries of snow last year that was in any way measurable. We’ve now had two already this year, and we aren’t in the peak DC area snow season. That comes in February and March. It looks like DC is getting a cold and wet winter. That means we, and by we I mean my wife, won’t venture far from the woodstove.

The image you see is from the front door (I was wearing my Pj’s and not going actually to go outside.) So I leaned out the front door to share the wonderful powder on the ground. The cold air that accompanies the snow is being boxed up and shipped to California (addressee for the USPS is Kim_Johnson!).

Now back to the cold!

(The next to the last day of 2017)


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!