
Book Review: A Woman Overwhelmed

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A Woman Overwhelmed

Finding God in the Messes of Life
by Hayley DiMarco

Abingdon Press

Christian, Religion & Spirituality

Pub Date 15 Aug 2017

I am reviewing a copy of A Woman Overwhelmed through Abingdon Press and Netgalley:

Many women if not most women can relate to being overwhelmed at one time or another.  At times we can even be overwhelmed by inaction.  Some get overwhelmed by the slow pace of the world, others get overwhelmed because everything moves so fast.  The author reminds us that impatience is the need for speed.

We are often overwhelmed by our desire to impress and that leads to impossible standards.  We to often feel the need to compare ourselves with others, that we become overwhelmed.

We get overwhelmed by the possibility of some disastrous illness, that we often assume the worst, turning to Google for the answers, only to find out a bite is sometimes just that a bug bite.

In a Woman Overwhelmed, Hayley Di-Marco, the author of the 2004 book Mean Girls once again brings the issues that face many women to light, and that is of being overwhelmed, but she also reminds us in those Messes of Life, we can find God.

I give A Woman Overwhelmed five out of five stars.

Happy Reading.


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