With the baby boom here at Solitaire there is this continuous activity where, as the little ones come into this world the older ones get ready to train them.
Kittie came with Lolly when he was a little kitten. Kittie produced Pinkie and Pinkie produced Munni Kittie produced once again and brought Peppy into this world And now Kittie has produced yet another – we have not yet named her
We are in a quandary and being animal lovers we have no option but to keep them all.
Would you keep all those kittens as they keep increasing in number?
It’s really wonderful that you take care of all of them!
Unlike dogs cats are easy to care for.
I would keep them as long unless someone wants one.
They are not as demanding as dogs. Dogs need a lot of attention.
Even if I had the opportunity I wouldn’t have kept so many cats in one apartment. If I have a house with a yard, maybe I’ll keep my mother and one more of her children.
It is not that easy as you think. They just win our hearts (lol)
That actually happened to us after we first moved to the country. Hubby talked a kitten down from a tree. We fed it and before we knew it a couple of years later, we had over 20 cats! I finally found homes for them, as many here have barn cats.
Good luck!
It is difficult to part with them. Right? (lol)
Yes it is! I’m an animal lover and that was one of the stipulations of moving here–no more animals. I used to raise both parrots and dogs. I agreed, was tired of the time required. And the cats happened and then lost and stray dogs started popping up. Someone even left a litter of pups on my back porch!! I had a good laugh at my hubby on that one.
At the end of the day we have to make choices that will let us live in peace
It is hard to take care of too many kitten at once
They look after themselves. The problem now is food. Because of lockdown we do not get fish.