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Weekend thoughts: inner and outer peace

Pain and suffering cleanse the soul of all rubbish. Burns and purifies – separates the grain from the mice. In this way, only what is real remains in you. All the illusions of self-perception collapse. And you seem to still smell burning last remnants of your ego.

From the extinction of the last live coal, you become free … Free from any mania for arrogance and greatness. You are born again. You become as simple and pure as a baby. Without any attachments to the past and the future. Without exaggerated desires and expectations.

And you no longer want to be right. You just want to be happy. You no longer has the strength for even the slightest quarrel. You realize that any war of words takes away from you such precious vital energy that you prefer to use to create love, peace, and harmony.

And finally, you realize that inner and outer peace is the most natural medium for your presence in this world. You no longer want to deal with someone’s ego.

Therefore, the time comes when you withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, surround yourself with silence and close souls.

© Fortune, 2020

  • Inner and outer peace is the most natural medium for our presence in this world, agree?

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Written by Fortune


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