Shabby’s chic interior design emerged in Great Britain and shortly afterwards spread around the world. It is a style in which the contrasting details are inseparably interconnected: aged cabinets, chests of drawers, fancy lamps, chic armchairs. Shabby chic interior style is described as one of the most romantic full of luxurious, but well-worn furniture, on which there is clearly visible peel off layers of paint, telling about a mysterious story.
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A huge English garden full of roses, fragrant lilacs, bronze peonies and sun rays – this is what is the true Shabby Chic style. The author of this style is Rachel Aswell. Her name is currently associated with the emergence of this style. The Shabby chic style is suitable for people who love conservative styles, coziness and warmth, which are created by pastel, mild colors, details that wake feelings and memories of grandmother’s home and antique furniture.
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Shabby Chic style features
- Pastel and white colors: boiled milk, light pink, pale blue, ivory, etc.
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- Decorations: mild motifs, flowers, roses, angels, pigeons, other lovely animals, barely seen squares and stripes, but unsuitable large geometric motifs.
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- Old aged – the main feature of this style, creating the atmosphere of the old England. Therefore, it is very important that all interior details and furniture are thoroughly aged, painted with several different layers of pastel colors.
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- For this style is suitable a variety of flower patterns in a furniture accessories, home textiles, wallpapers and furniture decoration. The color scheme is very soft: from the lightest pink shades to heavenly blue, combining milk whiteness with neutral color, gray tones.
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- Wood carvings, ornaments and crystal chandeliers, characteristic of the ornate Rococo style, rejoice in Shabby’s chic interiors – only all of this is well-worn, aged and beaten in the flow of time.
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- Crystal chandeliers, lace, ribbons, aged brass and dramatic sun shades are all that create the atmosphere of this style.
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- The last necessary element for the Shabby Chic interior design is a pastel colored carpet with flower ornaments.
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If you want to create a Shabby chic style in your home, follow these rules:
- Aged furniture – they can be aged by themselves, or you can do it with the help of sandpaper and various dyes. A delicate decoupage technique is available for this also.
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- Floors – natural wood: light, washed out.
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- Suitable fabrics: rough linen, cotton and lace.
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- The interior should be full of flowers, their blossoms – use vegetable motifs in textiles, tapestries, paintings, carpets and do not forget the natural flowers for a romantic aroma.
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- The gamma of the colors must be extremely light – the whole environment of milk whiteness, accessories light pink, blue. It is also perfect for light gray tones.
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At first glance, things that do not fit make up and create a subtle home-like environment that delights. That is precisely what determines the distinctive character of this style. In a cozy and luxurious interior design can be created your story …
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nice photo amazing awesome interior
Lovely ideas! Too many to decide from because they’re all good ideas!
Lovely interiors
A beautiful and fun style. A style suitable for those who love classic and modern blend.
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These are such elegant decor!