Sometimes you trip across something that you find new and different. You might even wonder why you have never heard this before. Not that it is usually earth shattering, but something that motivates you to “check it out”. Today on twitter I saw someone talking about a raccoon dog and then I had to start looking. I thought they were pulling my leg.
The raccoon dog, also known as the mangut, tanuki or neoguri is a canid indigenous to East Asia. Who knew? (Probably everyone but me.)
I found it interesting that the dog mates and remains monogamous. They will only get another mate if their mate passes away. Their nearest relative, scientifically speaking is the fox.
Have you ever seen a raccoon dog?
i have never seen such a creature! It is amazing what the world has to share!
I thought it was photo shopped, but no they are real.
i have honestly never seen anything like it, as always you find the coolest pictures!
He does look very raccoon like . Never seen one like him before.
They are in Asia according to the research. I found it different and interesting.
That animal looks interesting. This is the first time I’ve heard of that raccoon dog.
I think it is always fun to learn something new and this was new to me.
In my own country and Europe, I don’t think such an animal lives, though I’m not sure about Europe.
My research wonder, taught me that they are native is Asia.
Maybe they’ve moved from Asia to Europe too, who knows?
Did not know anything about this dog, how cool!
I thought it was a hoax, but I followed it up and it’s not.
I’ve seen a raccoon though. One was on my balcony and then in my back yard.
We often have raccoons wonder through and our dogs are not fond of them.
I didn’t know this animal but it is a good mix of both species.
I did not see this animal before. but I like this animal in your picture and thanks for shearing this.