After we have checked the knowledge of the measuring units for the length in the first quiz, in this quiz we will apply them to assignments. You may need a calculator for calculations so prepare it. If, after solving the quiz, something is unclear to you, ask me in the comments and I’ll be happy to clarify your answers.
Good luck and remember your physics professor.
Question of
The length of the steps is 70 cm. How long have we crossed, expressed in meters, if we are counting 2356 steps?
1752.3 meters
1649.2 meters
1518.7 meters
Question of
The track length is 400 m. How many times will the athlete run in the track race at 4 km?
Question of
Johny is tall at 1.53 meters and Steven is 1.65 meters. Express their height in centimeters.
187 and 154
134 and 127
153 and 165
Question of
John is 200cm high. How high is Mathew in the meters if he is 130 millimeters lower than John?
Question of
The higher it is: 1520 millimeters or 1.5 meters?
1520 millimeters
1.5 meters
Question of
The length of the soccer gate is 7.32 m and the height 2.44 m. How many meters of metal pipe is needed to set the door?
Question of
Jan of 200 dice of 7 cm length made a straight uninterrupted line, so two  neighboring toothpicks are touched. How many meters is this long drawn line?
Question of
Hair grows on average 0.3 mm. How much hair grows on average in 30 days?
Wow that was a tough quiz. Sorry it took a year to find this one!
Let’s solve lengthy tasks: Physics
You got 7 out of 8 right!
Perfect. You rock!
I thought that physics was the mathematics of elementary school.
Hvla ti za linkove trea ce mi.
got 7 out of 8 right!
Got #6 wrong. Nice quiz. Got my grey matter working
8 out of 8 – that was quite challenging!
Well done. Today I will create another. This time repeat measure units for surface. 🙂