It’s a saying that I have heard often and today it rings true. Here is the formal explanation.
“Cat Got Your Tongue. The phrase ‘Cat Got Your Tongue’ is used to describe when someone is at a loss of words or being unusually quiet. Example of Use: “What’s the matter Lucy, cat got your tongue?”. The origin of the idiom ‘cat got your tongue’ is an intriguing one.”
The cat does not have my tongue today. I have way too much to celebrate. Today I am counting “positives” that I used to see as negatives. The only thing that has changed is my perspective. Today will be a great day. I can stop defending myself and take what is given with grace.
Overall I am very proud of my work. I cover a wide variety of subjects and don’t dwell on telling others what to do on the site. I use all the functions as designed and feel good about my choices. I sleep well at night.
We are going to have a great day at the track. I won’t be home to hear the phone ring and that will be a nice break! I don’t have to deal with his ex’s drama. (Odd that someone who got divorced over 30 years ago still has to call and hassle my brother.) What a strange world we live in.
I am the captain of my emotional journey!
Oh dear, perhaps I am not! I believe I have some work to do.
No one is ever done with that journey! It takes us years to learn we need to be better and then years to work towards better.
The problem is, over time better keeps moving!
I am not sure I have years. I better work double time.
well then, by all means get to it!
I think I can manage my life well
I would agree with you lado.
I just realized how strange that sounded. Let me try again. Yes, Lado I believe you manage your life very well.
Thanks, dear friend … I think you’re doing a good job with your life
With age comes wisdom. Wisdom is often lacking.
I am certain you are correct.
I agree with your all three question and my answer is Yes
Thanks for participating, I appreciate it.