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Wednesday Shadows – in the shadows…

It was my first lecturer of my specialty that encouraged me to travel. Big thanks to her for that. Now I come across a variety of incentives for traveling, often wanting to see something we don’t have or don’t see in our country. 

Nowadays travel is also quite a good opportunity to think about or escape from the boring life, boring daily routine, and if you still get a touch of beauty while traveling, the trip is worth 100 percent.

When traveling or flying around different countries, I got convinced that most of the travelers are not the ones who have a lot of money, but those who are very keen and eager to travel. I always encourage even the slightest desire of an acquaintance or coworker to visit other countries, because in every country, there is something interesting and memorable to discover.

Visiting different countries, we like take off all the shadows of them and open up all their beauty.

© Fortune, 2020

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Written by Fortune


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  1. We can take off the shadows of those countries that we visit for ourselves, and open up all their beauty for ourselves.

    Nicely put.

    Yes, it’s a pity, I cannot seem to do that with my own life too.

    i.e To take off all of the shadows, hiding me from my real self, and so open up more of the beauty of that real self in me too.


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