I sat there with my arms folded looking at the floor. It wasn’t that I was angry about what was being said. It was that I was totally uninterested. I didn’t believe that any of the words they were speaking applied to me or were of any great value. I was mentally making a to-do list of better ways to fill my time then listen to the lecture.
It was not a secret how I felt. Actions speak loudly and my body language told everyone in the room what I felt about the topic. Am I proud of it? No. I am glad that I recognize it and can make choices of what nonverbal messages I am sending.
Question of
Do you pay attention to body language?
Question of
Do you pick up on nonverbal language?
Question of
Did you believe this is my post number 1,100 ?
Nice and helpful poll
Excellent poll, thank you
It is my pleasure to take on this poll.