I know of many people would make this “Tsk” sound when they’re annoyed or not please … They, themselves didn’t realised that “Tsk” can actually be annoying too!!
“TSK” can sometimes sounds like an “entitlement”, because its like saying “you’ve caused inconvenience to me”, “you shouldn’t have done that!” or even “you brat deserves no forgiveness!”.
I’ve witness a few incidents whereby “TSK” caused much displease between 2 parties … and usually it started with a “TSK” respond after an apology.
Question of
Have you been “TSK”?
Question of
Is it because you did something wrong?
Doesn’t matter, its kind of like a rant … LOL
you made me laugh, I had literally just screwed up a comment on a post I had read and was making the TSK noise!
as long as it’s not targeted at a 3rd party… it’s fine.
it was self tsking! but your point is well taken! never tsk others!
I am generally met with disapproval. it backfires, since I no longer look to others for approval
You don’t have to look for approval…
but there are always people who want to let you know their judgement … 😕
indeed there are. you can pass judgement on me, but I don’t have to accept it…
That’s true!! LOL!!
If I were to accept all “Tsk!” I can open a shop for them :p
that’s a bad business model- they give those away for free…
LOL… looks like I’ve to either repackage or change A product… ;P
might I be so bold as to suggest marketing a product which is in demand?
We have a guest who prefers to deal on topics that interest her and “Tsk’s” those raised by others (lol)
LOL … that’s … not very nice of her …
I have certainly made mistakes and do make mistakes every day in my life. I am not perfect or even close. I don’t hear that “sound” often. People just generally tell me when they believe I am out of line.
No one is perfect, not just you and me 🙂
“Tsk” is usually from strangers …
they just want to let you know that you pissed them off …
Oh, well I don’t often encounter strangers.
Others may think we do wrong, but it should be our decision!
I agree …
unless its clear that it’s our mistake …