
Troubleshooting my Virily issues…

With any luck on a rainy Sunday, we are going to launch our ROV today. There is a clear lake about 3 miles from our house. We are going to drive over and put the ROV in the water. I charged the controller and the ROV yesterday. We should be all set and ready to roll. I will happily share the video on our YouTube channel. I have been having an issue with the Virily site and I was talking to a friend of mine who said I should share the steps I underwent in looking at the problem. First, off, I am not sure right now if this is my problem or the server’s problem. I wanted to be clear up front because it is far easier to blame someone else than it is to take a hard look at what is going on.

First, when the error occurred, I took a screenshot of the error and read it. While it is a server-based error that doesn’t mean that Virily is at fault, I may have something on my side that caused the problem.

  1. Launched Virily in a windows ten clean VM. The only thing installed on the VM is Chrome, Edge, IE and now Mozilla. Got the error from a clean machine.
  2. Tried my original machine with all four browsers
  3. Tried my Macintosh with two different browsers
  4. I was able to submit a single image today, the screenshot of the error. I made it my 365-day photo challenge.

Now, I have resources at my house that most people don’t have. I am recommending this as a troubleshooting model. Rather just detailing the steps I actually did. I also made sure that I reduced the stress son my computer by only having a single window open in the browser/ I logged out and logged back into Virily twice and tried a number of other steps. So far, other than posting for the 365-day photo challenge yesterday and today I cannot post a longer post.

  • Question of

    Have you noticed the noise in your house moving?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do places that once had noise now seem different because they are quiet?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you remember the noise?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • I use VMWare and Hyper-V at home all the time. It is a quick way to build a machine that is clean for testing.

      • Absolutely! Plus you can just give the VM to a developer so they can’t play the “doesn’t happen on my machine” game

        • I remember a meeting many years ago when we were arguing about what platform the software had to run on. It was about three years after the release of Windows 2000, and the developer no longer wanted to support Windows NT4. I had to show him a video of a data center with all the servers still running NT4.

          • While I can sympathize with developers wanting to reduce the size of their codebase, especially when it comes to legacy support, it isn’t always a good idea to strand users…

        • That is the interesting reality of the modern software world. I worked with a company that builds HVAC systems for large buildings once. We were talking about the reality of software. They, the company was complaining that the rate of change in the consumer market was faster than they could prepare for (in terms of building and deploying desktop compute solutions for their end users). They talked about the 20 to 30-year cycle most of their equipment had. It really made me think about the reality of technology and change!

    • Here is the reality, I narrowed it down to one of two things. But as of yesterday, it was working, so I will never know which of the two it was.