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The Power Within – Hitting Bottom and Recovering

We have all been in this situation :

Everything is doing great and your on top of the world, helping others and making a good living. Your health is good and your family is happy.

Then it all just stops and goes in reverse, you are now the one in need.

We learn who will stand by your side :

Making those few calls and telling others about that doctor report is not any easy task when you have to say that big “C” word, cancer, especially when the person has not really been sick their entire life with anything that couldn`t be fixed with medication immediately,

This is the part when people say “If you need anything let me know” and then they disappear.

It would be nice to plan things but when someone is sick the person may need someone at a drop of a dime to come over and sit for an hour so that the caretaker can run to buy special groceries or pick up medication. Good luck on getting any help with that one!

When you really hit bottom :

When you get ready to go to town for all the things you have to do after being in the hospital, You load the wheelchair, you get sick person ready to go and then you go outside and the car wont start. You do all the things with the battery (beat it with a hammer:) and nothing. You look to the other car, flat tire, you think about fixing it even though you know it needs those wheel barrings and has no heater and could just break down anyways, anytime and wherever.

You go back inside and just sit and cry, feeling helpless while trying to take care of the helpless.

Time to take action :

I pulled myself together and called someone I know that works at the bank and told him the situation, I need a car, I applied for a loan over the phone, he will call me back within a week but he said as things look I should get approved.

I picked up the phone and made the call I hated to make, I asked to borrow a car and them bring it to me. The answer was yes but the downside was it would be late in the day, I took what I could get.

The medication he was in need of was my biggest worry, so I gave him what he was taking before the hospital, at least it was something for the AFIB and since they put him on diabetic medication the same as I take I gave him my medication to control his blood sugar. (no I will not do without, I just replaced mine when I got his)

The next day I got everything ready and we went into town, got medications and went to the doctors office, set up more appointments and referrals. I also went shopping for his special foods, since he has a hard time eating I buy whatever he wants to eat.

Ask , ask and ask around:

Someone will help even if its from their own home/ phone/ computer.

A friend got in touch with me online about a nice used car but I have not heard back from that person, not my dream car but it`ll do what I need to get done.

The preacher called and told me not to trust this one person that sells used cars and that he was talking to another man that has a car lot.

I am still bugging the referral nurse to get on the phone and make things happen, Cancer don`t wait.

Lessons Learned :

I do pray and ask for what I need, but I have to remember that God gave me a good mind and that I need to use it.

That it does not matter how many people I have helped in need in the past, those people will not return the favor but a stranger will.

By Andria Perry

Photo By Pixabay

  • Question of

    Have you ever hit bottom?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Has your world ever crumbled around you in a matter of days?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Andria Perry


  1. You are right. A stranger will return the favour than a friend. I haven’t still learned a lesson because I forget too quickly and I’m kind of that person is going through hard time…and find myself abandoned again by the ones I trust.