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The Perfect Drink For Sunny Days

The coconut water or clear liquid from coconuts which are not fully mature is the perfect drink for summer. You don’t have to worry about contamination or having to carry water everywhere in summer.

Coconut water is often confused with coconut milk , which is extracted from the flesh of a mature coconut. Coconut water is the perfect drink to keep you super hydrated on sunny days because of its low sodium and high potassium levels. It has the perfect electrolyte balance.  It has very low levels of sugar compared to carbonated drinks and juices and if you are watching calories coconut water could be the drink you are looking for.

You would find carts of neatly arranged coconuts  ready for consumption on streets in most parts of Asia. While I travel in summers this is the perfect place for me to stop and have a drink of nature’s bounty.

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    Have you tasted coconut water?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you know that coconut water is different from coconut milk or extract?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Dawn


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    • I have seen a lot of packaged coconut water in the markets recently . Last month I also saw a powder that needs to be mixed with water and drunk. I thought the purpose of the clean cool drink was lost in the powder.

      • i often wonder about the reality of marketing and what is sold as “good for us”. Many years ago I published an article about Dehydrated water – could be shipped easily to anywhere in the world. All you had to do was add water and it was ready!!!

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