Stop a moment ponder a while
Before you take that gullible mile
The world wears a silken garb
So smooth it has no barb
The soft spoken with a smiling face
Of deceit there is no trace
The gullible innocent fall a prey
To the hidden bombs stored away
All’s fine they simple say
The green eyed monster makes its way
Nothing is fine anywhere
There’s sadness misery everywhere
The camouflage plays its mighty role
The make belief takes its toll
Stop a moment ponder a while
Before you talk that gullible mile
Have you been taken for a ride?
Sometimes I have been taken for a ride and what a waste of time..
Nicely done. I think we have all been taken for a ride in life, unfortunately. I bounced back!
Me too. Life is better when we know how to bounce back
beautiful poem , thank you
You are a true poet’s soul, my friend….great song
Thank you for a great poem.
That moment when you realize that what was said was never meant.
What a great poem!!!
Thank you. We need to have the kind of expertise to know what is genuine and what is not
That is the hardest thing to learn as we transition from childhood to adulthood. It can be the hardest thing to let go of as an adult.
The skeptic is often revered!