Tak tochno translates roughly as “Yes, sir!” so it is an appropriate title, but I wonder if Ravnenie na wouldn’t be a better title because it means military salute. What do you think of the snow?
Question of
which layout do you prefer?
close up
Question of
do you like the snow effect?
The balanced is my pick but either less snow or more clothes. Just sayin’.
I already admitted to LaJenna that she isn’t dressed for the weather, but that is as far as I am willing to go. But hey, this girl is trying to earn the Orden Otechestvennoj vojny…
I like the close up! : )
and the closeup likes you!
I like them both. Usually I would pick the close up but in this case I think the balanced one is more interesting.
I think the balanced image has better negative space
Do I have the choice to love both of them?
And to take them home
What would a woman say to me?
It is the same girl from two different angles. What would she say to you? Inogda da, inogda nyet…
Balanced one… think the snow could be a little lesser? not sure
I could dial the snow back but then it doesn’t look so cold
I picked the balanced image, and I love the snow effect.
she’s not dressed for that weather!