Finally captured a sunset yesterday. There are a couple of birds at the top of my sunset tree. This is a pin oak tree that is always the last to lose its leaves and the last to have new leaves in the spring. We have had a lot of rain and no sunsets lately. So peaceful to see the different colors in the sunset. You never know what each one will bring.
Sharing this photo with the Sky Sunday challenge.
Witnessing a sunset is hard to explain. It is peaceful, relaxing, therapeutic, and of course hopeful. Always gives me hope for a new day. Wish you all a beautiful Easter Sunday.
Sunshine in your world on this beautiful day?
It’s so beautiful! When will the tree grow new leaves again? I’m sorry never experienced spring and autumn.
Any day now the leaves will start appearing. Not a problem.
Beautiful sunset. So there was a little bit better weather.
Thank you very much. Yes we had a great day today too.
This is a lovely photo Carol, yes we sometimes get some great sunrises and sunsets here.
Thank you Pam, I was glad to see a sunset again.
Beautiful golden sunset with a poetic pine silhouette!
Thank you very much, it was a nice surprise to see this sunset.
Beautiful sunset, dear friend … birds on the top of the tree are something special
Thank you very much, I agree with you.
Great view!!
The 2 birds must be having a romantic date … hehe
Maybe so, it is mating season around here. 🙂
It’s raining for me again. This plot of sunset or sunrise is my favorite.
Sorry, maybe a sunset for you soon. Thank you.
Oh my gosh. Finally a sunset and what a grand one it is. The birds just top it off. 😉
I agree and thank you very much Kim. The birds were a bonus.
We finally had one last week, although I did not snap any. Yay for sunsets!