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Spidery Spiky Chrysanthemums

There are so many varieties of chrysanthemums, the spoon and the pompom varieties are my favorites.

I am not too fond of the spider or spiky variety.  Not that I don’t like them so much  but its more like they have no real shape or symmetry that flowers have.

They do attract curiosity and a second peek. I pick plant I like or want for some reason. So this one is not in my garden. I found this at the nursery I visited a few days back.

Some tips for growing Mums. 

Pinch the heads when they are 6 inches or more to keep them compact and full of blooms.

They love to be fed, so fertilize them as often as once a week when they start to put out buds.

Never forget to deadhead the blooms that are spent.

To have a large number of plants propage the cutting you pinch off or cut then a bit longer when you dead head the flowers and propagate them. You will have blooms for a longer time.

  • Question of

    Do you like chrysanthemums?

    • Yes
    • No
    • A little maybe
  • Question of

    Do you propagate mums or buy it off the shelves?

    • Buy off the shelves
    • Propagate
    • Don’t like them don’t have them


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Dawn


  1. normally, although we’ve had our first hard freeze so no longer, they would be in the front of our house in the fall.

    This year they weren’t put out for many reasons.

    • Hope we will see the pictures soon. Mine are all done blooming, I just hard pruned them a couple of days ago and added a bit of fertilizer to help the plants along.
