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Sky Sunday ~ Take care of yourself

Kindness is a wonderful trait, but it also has its dark side. Sometimes we are kind to the wrong people. Sometimes we are kind of the wrong reasons. Sometimes we are kind to others but at the same time unkind to ourselves. In such situations, our kindness can turn against us. We try to please other people, which blurs our identity and can eventually lead to depression.

1. If we try too hard to please others, it can lead to their disrespect. People who constantly want to cater to others often become their “mats”. When others perceive that you would rather serve them than yourself, they will assume that you value yourself very low.

2. If you are kind for the wrong reasons, this may turn against you. Often we humans are kind in order to get what we want. We want to be liked, we want the approval of our loved ones and the society that surrounds us. But if we are kind in order for others to be kind to us, our efforts are futile. Kindness is only effective when it comes from the heart.

Taking care of yourself is not selfishness. Quite the opposite. Taking care of yourself is the way to build yourself up and get on your feet. Only in this way can you be strong and resist the hardships of the modern way of life – including depression. So get to know each other, take care of yourself, and love yourself. Because you are simply worth it.

  • Do you take care of yourself?

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    • No


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10 Points

Written by vidocka


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  1. I will add one smart piece – we also have to stand up when our friends are hurt. There is an author on this site who has sent many not nice PMs to people on this site. That person isn’t a good person they are pretty less than nice.

    So, when they do that, I try to protect my friends. There is greater glory in giving to others.


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