I’m sure at least once in your life you passed a rapeseed field, but you haven’t stopped and then you regretted. It happened to me! And to get rid of regrets, today I went to spend some hours in the rapeseed field. The yellow flowers, the ferns and the blue of the sky was the perfect combination of today!
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Question of
Have you had a good day?
Question of
Have you had a good day?
It is still morning, but very sunny so I expect to spend a good day as always
It was sunny morning in my area but in the afternoon it was getting cloudy and it started to rain.
I have a good day even though it’s more cloudy and rainy outside. Maybe tomorrow will be as bright as your day in that beautiful field.
I hope the sun has come to you! In Targoviste it started to rain this afternoon!
Apparently, today is still filled with rain in Jakarta.
What beautiful photos.
Thank you, Branka! I’m glad you like them!
the second picture is like a field of gold
That’s how it is! On either side of the street there were huge areas of golden fields!
That’s so true and relatable, I saw rapeseed fields today.
And poppies, a lot of poppies.
Beautiful pictures! ?
In my area, the poppies have not yet bloomed. June is the month of poppies here!
Yes I have a great day filled with sunshine. What beautiful photos.
I’m glad to hear that! My day was full of sunshine, too!?
I’ve never seen rapeseed looks nice but what is it for?
In Rapeseed is grown for the production of edible vegetable oils and animal feed. During the flowering period, it also has a melliferous importance. There were plenty of bees looking for polen.
Very nice, thanks for the explanation