Oftentimes when we hear of single parenting we automatically think of moms. Understandably so, as we encounter a high number of single moms on a regular basis. Besides that, moms are just great and many of us will agree on that.
Not so talked about however, are the single dads out there doing their thing. For one reason or another, some dads have the sole responsibility of caring for the children. Some are juggling two jobs between building sandcastles and LEGO friendship bracelets. We see them rushing out of work to reach the school before the match starts and being excited to cheer on their own little superstar.
Have you noticed any single dads in you area?
Do you know of a single dad?
I know one who was a fantastic single dad.
He does well and his best joke, to make lite of the situation is that when he burns the food he doesn’t get to complain about it.
Haha that is funny and true.
There are and they are doing great. It all depends on the character of the person
I heard about one at a singing reality show
I know quite a few single fathers. They are working very hard to replace their mother.
Yes I know many and they are special people.